User Name: Jeffrey Stevens Contact: Department: Psychology OrderID: UNLDR1498589757236 Cost Center: Title: Data from: Voluntary food sharing in pinyon jays: the role of reciprocity and dominance Alternative Title: Creators: Duque, Juan F. and Stevens, Jeffrey R. Additional Creators: Organization: Department of Psychology, Center for Brain, Biology & Behavior Sponsor: UNL Description: Data files to analyze pinyon jay food sharing data Data Type: Dataset Data Format: CSV Data Source: Language: Keywords: corvid, dominance, food sharing, prosociality, reciprocity Identifier: Version: Linking: Other: Date Created: Date Valid: Date Available: 20161108 Date Submitted: 20170627 Orc ID: IRB Info: DOI Number: doi:10.5061/dryad.g977f Collection: Stevens Deposit Location: